DBC Spurt on YT
Like my erratic blogging, my You Tube video postings seem to go in spurts. Maybe it was the new moon that inspired me to upload a lot of videos tonight from old episodes of The Deadbeat Club. If so inclined, you can check 'em out. Here is what there is to see:
VFX and The Haunting - My experiences working as a VFX Coordinator at Tippett Studio in the Bay Area on the Dreamworks picture, The Haunting. An inside look at the VFX Biz.Why I Hate Sofia - That's right, I said HATE and I ain't afraid to admit it! Actually, I am afraid, please don't have me killed Coppola clan (or even worse, yanked from You Tube!). See, the thing is that I am not only jealous of Sofia Coppola but GREEN with envy.
I wanted to make a movie about Marie Antoinette and who does it?? Sofia, that's who. Ok, must blog about this later, in the meantime, enjoy this video full of vitriolic HATE!
Nan Goldin - Eva discusses this wonderful photographer of drag queens, trannies and the inhabitents of the seedy underbelly of NYC. Lou Reed montage with "Perfect Day"John Keats - Margot gives us a Keat's overview and tells us why this long dead, uber hot poet was such an exemplary deadbeat.
Lickfest - This video still gives me the ooohs and the awws. It is our little kittens, Rosi and Minx, bathing eachother with love and cuddles to Queen's "Somebody to Love." The life of a cat does not look too bad, eh?RIP Anne Bancroft - A tribute to one gutsy broad who died far too young. I've always felt that Mrs Robinson has a bad rap in The Graduate but Anne does all she can to bring some heart to that sad old (36 was it?) dame. And her turn as the mad as a hatter Miss Havisham in Great Expectations far outshone dear skinny Gwynny.
INXS Montage, "Don't Change" - I know, I know, no one likes INXS except for my sister and I. But come on, what a great way to relive the 80s, yes!? There is something about this music and these videos that says home to me, call me mad if you must. JD and Marty from the TV show Rock Star are thrown into the mix for good measure.Indie Comics and Zines - I love the underground comic and zine scene. It all started as a youth in the bathtub reading Superman comics (for real) and now look at me, addicted and no good!
Featured artists/writers: Aaron Cometbus, Janelle Hessig, Phoebe Gloeckner, Fawn Gehweiler, Adrian Tomine, Daniel Clowes, Pete Bagge, Julie Doucet, and Aline Kominsky Crumb.
Also, a special treat of Tanner and Eva comics from when we first started dating, awww #).
Love Cats - A look back at the first DBC episode the kittens ever appeared on with a montage of The Cure's Love Cats to commemorate the occasion.Watch out Kitten war and cute overload, we are coming to get you!
Star Rags - Ok, I admit it, I am a celeb-obsessed loser. To prove it, here is a bit about my unhealthy addiction to the celeb rags that litter the grocery store check out shelves with their expensive filth and degradation (mmm, degradation).Lunch Update - Another installment of the DBC "Lost in the Supermarket" series which examines contemporary culture and what the hell we are doing here in America the Beautiful. This bit looks at lunch and why it is that so many Americans either skip lunch or eat alone. What is happening to us people? We need to make friends and eat healthy balanced meals regularly...or at least, that is what my mom tells me.
For a good explanation of how we got so fucked up, read this BRILLIANT article, 7 Reasons the 21st Century is Making Us Miserable (which was referred to me by Tanner, thanks!). Somehow it makes me feel better to know that there are simple reasons why we are so sad and alone.
Upon reading this article, I promptly went out and cut up a tree that has long been a eyesore in the yard AND had a nice-n-dull conversation with a lady at the post office. So perhaps there is still hope for humanity? And even better, I didn't saw my foot or hand off by accident! Hurray!
hehe, look how cute we are in comic form :)
i know! can i live my day to day life as a comic book drawing?? btw, that was the first panel of the first comic that we drew on our first date....awwww ;)
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