Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Bitch Tits

Have you ever known a guy who shotgunned so hard trying to get shredded that he developed bitch tits? How many cups of coffee did the lot lizard’s john get with the help of blue steel? When a griefer frags your avatar at the spawn point, do you spam him with taunts? Did you leave a sitzmark on crud after the gaper blocked your way?

These quasi-English sentences may be Greek to you. But each makes sense to the members of a certain subculture: bodybuilders, prostitutes, online gamers and skiers, respectively, in the examples above. These and many more come from a handy lexicon called Talk the Talk: The Slang of 65 American Subcultures, published in September, by Burlington resident Luc Reid. If you’ve ever wanted to hang out with beekeepers, spelunkers, ex-cons, drug pushers or cat fanciers and feel like one of the gang, it’s a good start.
- Word Nerds, Margot Harrison

As if I needed more proof that my smarty pants sister (AKA Fuchsia Groan) can turn a beautiful phrase, here is a great review she wrote for her always scintillating 7 Days column, Underlines: The Word on Local Lit. Me thinks deadbeats need their own slang too: "Leave me alone, I am busy doing nothing." Proud to say she is my sister, bitch tits and all.


Eva the Deadbeat said...

FYI: Margot informs me that "bitch tits" are "moobs" (man boobs) from steroid use. hmmm...i hear Tom Cruise has a case of the moobs these days, i wonder if they are really BITCH TITS!?!? god, that needs to be a movie title.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I think about “bitch tits” and I think about them a lot, I think of Meatloaf in Fight Club.

Eva the Deadbeat said...

man, dem's some mighty FINE bitch tits, yesireee!!!! Did you ever see Meatloaf in Spice World? he played their bus driver. Lots o'bitch tits on the Spice Mobile!

S.R. Wild said...

Nope, never seen Spicy Meatloaf. That guy is a bus.

Eva the Deadbeat said...

that guy is the BOSS BUS BITCH!

I actually really love Spice World, i know, it is weird. but that movie makes me happy. better than ice cream even.