Flynn XMas Party
What can I say, I am feeling a lot of love tonight and it is not just the 3 vodka-n-juices that I threw back in rapid succession (did I mention the 2 cups of eggnog that preceded them?).
Nope, it is quite simple really. I love my co-workers at the Flynn and will be sad to leave them in January.
I have been very lucky to spend almost 2 years of my life working day by day with this supportive, intelligent, hard working and creative group of odd people. They enriched my life and gave me the strength to take the leap to the great beyond.
They never once made fun of me for shooting silly videos involving office supplies and dance montages (well, maybe once or twice but it was good natured fun and who can blame them?). They accepted me for who I am and even loved me for it.
It is too soon to get sappy as I have another week or so left (and a going away party at which I can drunkenly wax poetic for hours on end). But there was something about tonight that left me feeling really glad and really lucky.
I think that is what having a big family must feel like. You love 'em, you hate 'em, they support you, they annoy you, you tease them, they make fun of you - but you know them inside and out and you are all in the same boat together.
Choosing the biggest box is not always the best idea as it wielded an ugly white ceramic decorative basket (still not even sure what it was used for? roll retention?) but WHAT would I swap it out for?
I chose the alarm clock that made cool peaceful noises like water rushing and dolphins quacking. Of course, once this job is over, I won't have to get up early for a while and I can finally embrace my true deadbeat status for real (until I have to find a way to feed myself again). But I will probably need some soothing ocean sounds to get me through those unemployed hard times as well.
And no doubt, tomorrow morning there will be an Offasty email to ALL scolding us for scattering office supplies and not cleaning up properly because he/she is not our mother. And I will even find that touching cause I am a sentimental old fool.
Sigh, I'll miss you Flynn. But thanks for all the good times, the fabulous dance montages and for being the closest thing to a Big Fat Greek Family I could ever hope to find.
Take it away Babs:
Like the corners of my mind
Misty water-colored memories
Of the way we were
Scattered pictures,
Of the smiles we left behind
Smiles we gave to one another
For the way we were
Can it be that it was all so simple then?
Or has time re-written every line?
If we had the chance to do it all again
Tell me, would we? could we?
Memories, may be beautiful and yet
Whats too painful to remember
We simply choose to forget
So its the laughter
We will remember
Whenever we remember...
The way we were...
The way we were...
oh eva! you make me feel all warm and fuzzy! what a great post. what a great party. cherie commented this morning: "oh suzanne, you got up." was it that obvious that i had 4 gin & tonics and some eggnog too? but it is great that we can laugh and play and also all work together. almost makes me glad that i still do work here.
GOOD! YOU, miss suzanne monroe, took the CAKE last night. i think i will never forget you lolling about on the conference table or dancing all over Carlos - and i have it all on film so I WILL NEVER forget it! that was s fun night and i am still feeling the love this AM - throb throb :P
How is it that you and Suzanne and Randi-Lynn have perfect hair, lipstick, and eye-shadow, but I look like I was made up by a first-grader who has just learned to (somewhat) color inside the lines? Nonetheless, it was a night to remember -- in kind of a foggy, vodka-infused way.
Favorite moments:
Carlos and Andrea cutting a rug; Yankee Swap ruthlessness; Suzanne's brilliant suggestion that I win the employee award for "Snipey Bitch" annually!; Christopher confusing you and I (what a compliment!!!); Carlos ripping off his shirt and wriggling on the desk; Tom + Ann catching us swooning on the conference room table, (I am so lucky to have a cool boss); Suzanne expertly playing pin-up girl on same table; you revealing a whole lotta leg while playing pin-up girl on same table; pre-party nakeditivity in your office (great photo); last-minute knitting.
Things I am grateful for:
I didn't pop out of my top, not even once; Tom is a cool boss, even if he will forever have an image burned into his retinas of us swooning on the conference room table; Sky is a fine dancer, and apparently willing + able to sweep me off my feet after stepping on them (did anyone see him scoop me up and twirl me around? wheee!!!); extra-strength Advil and a closed office door.
your clock sounds like dolphins quacking??? ...that's just disturbing.
Dear Snipey Bitch,
I FORGOT that comment! Was that before or after you snarled, "You know, I can take you Suzanne!" Man, no wonder I was laughing so hard. You girls crack me up. And what are you talking about? You look gorgeous dahlink! Like the glamorous Lana Turner herself (wink wink).
There is nothing better than drunkenly dance montaging with you girls and I can't wait for the cat fight tomorrow! Pffft! meow!
SNIFFLE, must not get sentimental quite yet...who am I kidding, I am a SOP! I will miss you guys...sniff sniff.
PS For some reason i thought the idea of dolphins quacking was better than whatever the hell it is dolphins do - turns out the clock does not even have dolphin sounds! damn it!!
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