Sunday, April 01, 2007

Hmm, I wish I spoke Spanish

But alas, I will never know what this blogger at acurrúcate is saying about me so, being an insecure mess of a girl, I will assume it is something scathing:

Y buceando por la red para saber más de ella me encontré con el video-blog de Eva Dead Beat. No es que este videoblog sea especialmente interesante, no que hasta ahora no supiera que existían los vídeoblogs, pero resulta que hasta hoy no había me había parado a escuchar ningún post de este tipo, y la propuesta de Parker me parece interesante, ahí os dejo un ejemplo, precisamente ligado a la canción de Regina, Fidelity.

If you got the smarts and speak the Spanish, please to help me by translating. Meanwhile, I found a fun new gadget on this Spanish blog - Snap! Loves the new toys!

Update: Courtesy of the brilliant Lesh Goddess (god, we miss you something awful!!) and the glories of Gmail IMing, here is the translation:

Christine: it says that regina rules and she's psyched about her, thanks to the recommendation of someone named "parker."
and she looked online to learn more about her and came across your blog
me: YOU SAMRT!!!
and it is a she?
how can you tell??
Christine: good idea...hahah..
she said that
this part is tricky
she said that she never knew that videoblogs like yours existed
me: hmm???
Christine: and that while nothing in your site was super interesting to him/her, s/he loved that the video was available and that s/he has never felt compelled to read through an entire post before seeing yours
me: haw!
Christine: so s/he posted the video onto their own site to show peeps.
me: i am dull except fo rthis one video!


Miss Molly Manglewood said...

I don't know Spanish. But I put this text through the Google spanish-to-english translator and came up with this:

And diving by the network to know more of her I was with the video-blog of Eva Dead Beat. It is not that this videoblog is specially interesting, not that until now did not know that they existed vídeoblogs, but is that until today post of this type did not have had stopped to me to listen to none, and the proposal of Parker seems to me interesting, I leave an example there you, indeed bound to the song of Regina, Fidelity.

Suzanne Lowell said...

i didn't know they had such a thing. makes for some funny english. cool eva -- you are an international superstar!

Eva the Deadbeat said...

Thanks Molly, what can't google do I wonder? i bet Google could clean my room if I asked it nicely enough. ;)

My fav part of the post is: "It is not that this videoblog is specially interesting." My inner critic just loves that. I am an international superstar with my not specially interesting el video-blog! yipeee!