Monday, April 23, 2007

When to Call it Quits

Two hot and delicious Stuck in Vermont vlogs fresh off the presses are being posted late tonight (some last minute improvements to come) and in the meantime, when to throw in the towel, in some easy steps...happy Tuesday everybody!

How to Tell When a Relationship is Over
Uploaded by sabo-tage

PS Check out the YouTube homepage, Stuck in Vermont is a featured channel - yippeeee!!!


Sara S. said...

Do you like have a sixth sense about when I end a relationship or something? I mean, sure, my mom sent me breaking up 101, but this is just weird... I break up with my boyfriend today and you put up even more "breaking up" vids... You're so amazing, it's scarey!

Eva the Deadbeat said...

Ooof! Maybe I am your Bridget JOnes of failed relationships!? I do not even know what that means...sometimes change is good though so I hope you are cleaning house, turning over some new leaves and all that good stuff! ;)

Anonymous said...

So THAT'S what the pigeon means! I always wondered...

Sara S. said...

Heh, the Not-British Bridget Jones, maybe. Although, if you have Hugh Grant or Colin Firth hidden somewhere, then send me Hugh Grant! lol. And thanks in advance for adding me to your blogroll! uh... whatever that means. *blush* I'm new to the blogverse

Eva the Deadbeat said...

yes, me thinks the pigeon is a very bad sign, noted by ancient greeks to mean the end of a relationsip, the death of a crop of wheat or the sinking of a boat....but what does it mean when the sink backs up?! the worst sign of all....

yes, i am for sure the american bridget always tripping all over myself and having meglomaniac paranoid delusions, sigh. but at least i have my own tv show/vlog just like briget! and when i meet hugh, i will send him straight over to you- i am all about straight-laced Mr Darcy/Colin! ;)