Marcel Constate Amis
Unlike the rest of the stupid human race, Molly is acceptable company.
As long as he is allowed to ride to and from his bed chamber on its sturdy back.
Could they maybe be...friends...??!
Marcel has actually done it!
He has found creatures he does NOT DESPISE with which to spend quality time and watch cheesy 80s movies with!
The monster has turned on Marcel!
This love is oppressive!
This is too much for Marcel, he needs his private space!
The furry monster has taken a liking to frog legs...
So much for friendship!
Meilleure chance la prochaine fois Marcel!
oh marcel and cindy. i cannot wait to meet you both. you are gorgeous with your mole.
I love the ongoing adventures of Marcel, and I'm so happy that he has discovered love -- even if it is the oppressive kind!
Madame MOnroe, C'est CRAWFORD, not Cindy!! Et merci merci! we hope yew vill come overh soon!!! Cindy arrive Tuesday!!!
Emily! C'est la vie!! Thanks so much for creating Marcel! Your handiwork is magicaL!
Marcel scoffs at the idea of being "made" BUT enjoys wallowing in this house's cesspools of depravity and storms of human drivel. Thank goodness for his removable sweater!
Oh, marcel is the greatest! Where did he get those big eyes?? Did he went to a Europe Trash Party and didn't get any sleep? (like I did last weekend?)
A tip to Marcel: Never bathe in catnip or you might see a side of that white creature that would not end well.
Where might one find a Marcel of one's own? (Or to give to one's adorable 3-year-old niece.)
Crawford is the kitty? No Max?
Haw, an all night Europe trash party!? Marcel WISHES he was doing that, or at the very least, sucking down some opium in a seedy back room in Shanghai. Nikolaas, Marcel wants to come and live with you! He is tired of living with this dull spacey girl.
Sir Thief, duly noted! Marcel is going to try to slip this white beast a drug concoction that will take of him for good! Do you have any hemlock he might be able to borrow?
Lani - Max chose to live with his aunt. It is a sad day for me. You can get a Marcel of your own from Emily! Her Esty site is here:
Nobody thinks I'm cute? Nobody wants to know where they can get one of me for their niece? Fine! See how you like it when your wee relations all turn into hedonistic, chain smoking, alcoholic mimes.
For anyone interested, Undead Molly dolls are sold at a boarded up store in downtown Winooski.
Knock twice, the password is "Otto" and bring about 40 clam shells with you. You will NOT be disappointed but will need to purchase some fake blood to keep your doll properly entertained...
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