Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Being Danny Plotnick

Danny Plotnick is my hero. Can't say it enough.

DP makes these cool podcasts called Nest of Vipers with Bay Area celebs, writes nifty articles, makes films about sock monkeys, lives in a nifty house with his talented wife and son, has big hair and teaches teens about video.

And, he IS The King of Super 8. So there.

Eons ago I used to fill in for him when he went on vacation from FAF. They were (literally) big shoes to fill but I tried. It was fun being Danny Plotnick and my hair was almost as big.

My friend Molly L was also a DP Fan. We almost started a DP Fan Club but got distracted.

Last time I was in SF we ate sushi out of floating boats in Japan Town and I marveled at his accomplishments, as always. What a Super Hero!

This is a video he made with his son Hank the Ghost and The Tin Man on the Queen Mary - wish I coulda been there:

1 comment:

Suzanne Lowell said...

yeah, and way better than that james guy's ghost vid...